coffee culture

美 [ˈkɔːfi ˈkʌltʃər]英 [ˈkɒfi ˈkʌltʃə(r)]
  • 网络咖啡文化
coffee culturecoffee culture
  1. Vienna is also famous for its coffee culture .


  2. You can fully experience the Melbourne 's coffee culture .


  3. This new found " coffee culture " has started to spread to the rest of the world .


  4. This new coffee culture supported a proliferation of stores and other sales avenues for Starbucks ' beans .


  5. In the past ten years , cafes have become increasingly popular in India . The country 's huge young population has quickly taken to the coffee culture .


  6. Some think we have been seduced by the sweet , milky depths of American coffee culture , and it 's easy to see how .


  7. Meanwhile , in Seattle , with its green hiking trails , coffee culture and tech industry , the University of Washington is making its own pitch .


  8. Italy 's distinctive coffee culture is based around independent caf é s and bars , which account for nearly 90 per cent of the market , according to Euromonitor .


  9. The coffee culture in Melbourne is just incredible , says reigning World Barista Champion Pete Licata , from the United States .


  10. Vienna has a reputation for having an excellent coffee culture and you should at least visit one of the countless traditional coffee houses where you can sit down , relax , and have some coffee .


  11. America is a young and full-energetic nation , all person or any cultural form of this country is just like the nation itself , having no inhibition , never set-patterned , unreservedly forthright , and of course , nor is the coffee culture of America an exception .


  12. In product strategy , Starbucks redefines the core value of its product . It switches from selling coffee to selling coffee culture and the experiences in Starbucks .


  13. Since the reformation and opening , drinking coffee becomes fashionable in China and the coffee culture of the Chinese own is forming gradually .


  14. Scandinavia has the largest consumption of coffee per capita in the world and a very long coffee drinking culture .


  15. Coffee B2B website : China 's most professional website to let coffee lovers network and better understand coffee and its culture .
